
Digitalized Publications

 In our office, we offer a variety of printed publications about specific topics, as well as about FES related topics, such as social democracy. All publications are free of charge and can be acquired at the FES Ethiopia office.

Youth leadership training program (YLTP): reference material on introduction to leadership

Youth leadership training program (YLTP): reference material on introduction to leadership

AddisAbaba;Bonn, 2008

Download publication (430 KB, PDF-File)

Äthiopien: vom Stabilitätsfaktor zum Unruheherd?

Heß, Hartmut

Äthiopien: vom Stabilitätsfaktor zum Unruheherd?

Innen- und außenpolitische Entwicklung nach der Wahl 2005
Bonn, 2006

Download publication

Turning conflicts to cooperation

Tadesse, Medhane

Turning conflicts to cooperation

towards an energy - led integration in the Horn of Africa
Bonn, 2004

Download publication (1030 KB, PDF-File)

Äthiopien zeigt sich als Mittelmacht am Horn von Afrika

Heß, Hartmut

Äthiopien zeigt sich als Mittelmacht am Horn von Afrika

Ministerpräsident Meles Zenawi durch Parteiwahlen gestärkt - Verbündeter in der "Anti-Terror-Koalition"
Bonn, 2003

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Publications with Partners

In the heart of every successful and decent workplace lies the undeniable power of its
workers, united in pursuit of better conditions, fair practices, and meaningful progress.
This Power Resources Toolkit is designed as a beacon for workers everywhere,
especially in Ethiopia, who seek to harness their collective strength and channel it into
effective action.


In the heart of every successful and decent workplace lies the undeniable power of its
workers, united in pursuit of better conditions, fair practices, and meaningful progress.
This Power Resources Toolkit is designed as a beacon for workers everywhere,
especially in Ethiopia, who seek to harness their collective strength and channel it into
effective action.


In the heart of every successful and decent workplace lies the undeniable power of its
workers, united in pursuit of better conditions, fair practices, and meaningful progress.
This Power Resources Toolkit is designed as a beacon for workers everywhere,
especially in Ethiopia, who seek to harness their collective strength and channel it into
effective action.


In the heart of every successful and decent workplace lies the undeniable power of its
workers, united in pursuit of better conditions, fair practices, and meaningful progress.
This Power Resources Toolkit is designed as a beacon for workers everywhere,
especially in Ethiopia, who seek to harness their collective strength and channel it into
effective action.


Ethiopia is a country with a long and glowing history.  However, today the country's  history has become a political battleground. The changes in Ethiopia’s socio-political system that were introduced in 1991, following the change of regime, have played a significant and positive role in protecting the rights of hitherto marginalized nationalities. At the state level,…



Ethiopia Office

Yeka Sub-City,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Woreda 05, Block No.03
House No. 109
P.B. 8786

00251 911200446

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Here you will find all publications of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Ethiopia and it's partners. Read more
