Sunday, 13.03.2022 - Wednesday, 16.03.2022 - Adama

Workshop on "Protection of Women Workers from Sexual Harassment in the Ethiopian Horticulture Sector"

The National Federation of Farm, Plantation Fishery and Agro-Industry Trade union of Ethiopia (NFFPFATU), in cooperation with FES and with support of the Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association (EWLA), held a tripartite (trade unions, employers, and government) three-day sexual harassment workshop in Adama to address the pertinent challenge faced by many female workers in a sector with high prevalence of women.

The workshop helped to expand networks and form alliances, address encounters faced by trade unions, employers, and employees and the need to understand gender-related challenges, and come to a real, joint, and shared commitment to promote women's membership and representation in the union and to address their grievances as well as the violation of their rights protected under the labor law.

Ethiopia Office

Yeka Sub-City,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Woreda 05, Block No.03
House No. 109
P.B. 8786

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